
ISSUE NO: 51 |
ArvindTalati: A forgotten pioneer of Modern Indian Architecture
IGBC's Green Landscape Summit 2016
Changing Climates, Evolving Landscapes, Isola-Goa 2017
Landscape and Conservation, SKNCOA-Pune, 2017
public participation
Public Participation in Design Works:
The Nimby, Banana and Lulu Syndromes
Harshad Bhatia
learning from the past
Clues on Street Network from Manasara:
Footpath or Sidewalks are not a British Legacy to India
Archana Sharma
Going Forward: Landscape Architecture in India
Alpa Nawre
view from within
Identities and Boundaries
Geeta Wahi Dua
Aesthetics, Utility and Environment: Practice of Ravi
Varsha Gavandi, Pune
Redesigning Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai
landscape design
Transforming Urban Landscapes: Futala Lake, Nagpur
Deeproots Design
Revitalisation Of Derelict Urban Spaces:
Bundh Rejuvenation and Eco-Restoration of Urban Forest, Gurugram
VSPB Associates
Mana Resort, Ranakpur, Rajasthan
Parul Kiri Roy
Swastik Vatika: Marriage Venue, Anand
Karmavir Ghatge & Associates
Clover Fields: Weekend Home, Bangalore
Genesis Architecture
seeing the unseen
Panchtattvas: The Road Ahead
Dilpreet Bhullar
book review
An Inspiring Visual Reference
Book: #91 Residences Contemporary Indian Houses #3
review by Madhu Pandit
A Post-Colonial Paradigm of Universal Interest
Book: Cultural Landscapes of South Asia:
Studies in Heritage Conservation and Management
review by Narendra Dengle
landscape industry
Outdoor Lighting
Steve L. Aries